Welcome Back And A Little Gift For The New Year
It's been awhile since I have found myself sitting here having the opportunity to share what has been going on in our little corner of the world and it is good to be back. While Rachel has dropped in every now and then to let you know what has been happening, it's time that I step up to the plate as Rachel's plate overfloweth. She has been absolutely bringing it over the last several months, working at the salon, redesigning her website which includes a new clothing shop, continuing to pioneer the wedding hair/makeup market here in Augusta as well as being an extraordinary mother/daughter/sister/wife/friend for all of those that have the privilege. And from time to time, being my willing subject in front of the camera.
Cold, but it's a Charleston cold, so it makes it ok.
And what have I been doing during this time? Well, outside of trying to keep up with her and the kids, I have had some pretty unique opportunities to work some corporate gigs and further develop a business relationship with a local creative firm, Artisan Creative Group. Most of my time however, has gone to playing in mud. Well, not playing per se, but working with one fastest growing civil works companies in the southeast, Gearig Civil Works.
Just one of, well, a whole lotta photos.
The opportunity to work with these men and women as they continue to grow there business has been an awesome and very busy experience. How busy? About 3TB of photos busy. And that is just the photos that made the cut through the editing process. Many of which you, if you have the time, can check out here as part of my Projects section.
So, now that you kind of have the general rundown of what's been going on, we did have some time since our last check in to work together in the format that we love: Contemporary Portraiture and Weddings. Consider the photos below a small selection of upcoming blogs to come to celebrate our beautiful experiences with some truly remarkable people.
And that little gift I noted in the title? Rachel and I would love to work with more of you and we thought we would put a little sale together to get the ball rolling. Now thru the end of January, we have two offers for you. Our normal session fee is $350, which includes hair, makeup, photography and editing. Our first offer reduces that to just our normal deposit fee of $150, a savings of $200. This is a great and affordable entrance into a session with us with no obligation towards the purchase of any product if you so choose. However, if you know us, and like our work, the second offer is the same as above but adds a complete set of edited images (not that 5-10 image limit crap) either via disc or jump drive (your preference) for just $350, a savings of $300 (Session fee plus $300 image fee). Once a special offer is purchased, you have 120 days from the date of purchase to redeem the session. Offer 1 is limited to 10 slots, Offer 2 limited to 5 slots.
So if you have that session you have been wanting to do for yourself or with your significant other, your family, that senior session, maternity, (Sorry, business/corporate not included) or you simply want to gift to that friend or family you know will love the experience, take a quick moment to grab up a session slot below, we can't wait to work with you. Remember, it is only thru January 2017, 10 slots for Offer 1 and Offer 2, that this will be up, so grab it quick or pass it on to someone you know. Or better yet, give them the gift that they will always love.
Oh, and if you are interested in products involving actual ink as we are, we offer a full line of fine art printed products such as albums, books, folio boxes, and fine art canvas, metal, and wood prints as well.
Feel free to comment below should you have any questions and thank you for your time!
When purchasing, we will contact you through the email that you provide with scheduling details and the session process within 48 hours. Thanks!