Alright, so my last post caught us up with Sommer during our photo session in the winter, yet was full of witty repartee about the weather turning towards summer (seemingly) and yet as I write this post at 2a on March 14, a few days after we just "sprung" forward and the temp yesterday was a lovely 36° as I trudged through the forest scouting locations for future shoots. Future shoots in warmer weather if I had my druthers. But not too warm, too soon as you all know how lovely the heat and humidity have fun with us here in Augusta during the summer months.
But as in the previous post, when the weather is a bit on the chilly side it does allow us to expand the wardrobe selection into cold weather appropriate apparel which is always a nice diversion. Another benefit that I find during a change in the season is the resultant change in location scenery which benefits me and my OCD nature when it comes to photographing clients with different backdrops, or "sets" as I refer to them. I try my darnedest to provide unique backdrops to each individual client unless they request it or we have access to a truly awesome place such as when we had access to The Miller for a summer. I promised myself a long time ago not to follow the footsteps of other photographers who continually use the same places over and over again with their clients. And while that may be a bit more time consuming, I think the little bit of adventure and fun in finding unique and sometimes strange places comes through in the attitude of our clients.
All of this backstory leads me to our session with Carly. It was around the area you see in background that I was trudging this morning in that cold weather, and it was that that reminded me of this wonderful session with her. Just some random fields, forests, and back roads were brought to life with her presence and one of the best smiles I have had the chance to photograph. There are a couple of sequences in these photos where I caught her with the giggles, and she perfectly encapsulates how much fun it was to capture her on this day with those wonderful smiles. So, thanks for listening to me ramble (we'll see how effective it is to write at 2am now won't we?) and enjoy the lovely Carly.
Model: Carly S.
Hair/Makeup: Rachel Biestman of Maq & Mane
Photography: Patrick Biestman
Location: Shhh, it's a secret.