As I am getting older and mortality is becoming an ever increasing sentiment within my mind, not really but it is a good lead in, I listen to a lot of podcasts where health, nutrition, and fitness is a focus and I have attempted to clean up my act by cutting the sugary snacks and carbs out of my diet. One of the things I have dramatically increased in my diet is nuts, which have a multitude of benefits, one of which is highlighted in the below tweet from the amazingly brilliant Dr. Rhonda Patrick.
The only thing I have to add, is where were you a couple of months ago with this information? Because if you haven't sorted it out yet, my little fellas have partnered with an egg and knocked it out the park again. We expect EAB to arrive in January, so we'll leave you with this little maternity session we had just the other day walking around the new Plaza at Evans Towne Center and finishing by the utilities field by our house. Enjoy!