Patrick and I are expecting our second child this fall, and we could not be happier. Six years will divide the two of our little ones, and as far as we can see: our second child will complete our family.
We bustle around the house in preparation, once again imagining all of the primary colored apparatuses that will fill our living room. We will move the love seat out of our bedroom to accommodate a crib, and we still haven't decided whether cloth or disposable diapers will smell up our existence. We are excited, anxiously waiting the day an 8 lbs. child will once again wreck "our" lives.

And then there are my friends, the Garrards, who when given two, gladly accepted the third. Nine years later they assumed the responsibly of adoption, and brought their youngest two home in October. While Patrick and I are certain that we should captain a rowboat, the Garrards have commandeered a ship. Patrick and I watched in awe as they parented these who have wrecked "their" lives. There is a certain brand of bravery that comes in parenting, but especially in parenting adopted children. Bravery is attached to foolishness most often, but in adoptive parenting, perhaps an extra measure of faith chokes out some of that foolishness. Whatever it is, the Garrards are bravest in our book by far.
Enjoy the rest of these images. We have prized the opportunity to capture this family's journey.