Today is a special day. Monumental, if you will.
Patrick and I met nearly 10 years ago at a coffee shop on Calhoun Street in Charleston, SC. He would be my manager, and later my boyfriend, fiance, and finally my husband.

Although I laid down my coffee shop apron years ago, he has continued to wear it; sometimes with joy, and other times with disdain. In more recent times, as we have seen undeniable success behind the camera, the smell of coffee on his clothes has become a complete nuisance.

So as our dreams pursue us, we have each laid down distractions: some of them weightier than others. Sadly, I no longer bake cakes. But on the converse, with complete elation...

... today is the photographer's last day brewing coffee.

Now the two of us can focus completely on working with beautiful women like Ashley, weddings like the one we did last weekend, or bridal portraits in Charleston (where we will be this weekend).
So why not celebrate with us? Book today!