There is something to be said for cowboy boots and tall grass- for flowing dresses, cascading curls, and the sun pouring from behind an old barn. Patrick and I were both born and raised in the South, and we have settled in the marvelous southern city of Augusta, GA. Here there is a sweet country song on everyone's lips, and many to most photo shoots have the either the canal or railway tracks as a background.

It isn't for a lack of trying, it is simply what many girls want. Women around here grow up outside, following their fathers, big brothers, cousins, and neighbors on deer hunts. They languish for the first signs of spring, when they can expose the tops of their shoulders to the earliest licks of the sun. When it is too warm for boots, flip flops and freshly painted toenails are the height of fashion. When girls make the investment into a photo session, they want what expresses who they are: sun, grass, water, comfy clothes, and the peeling paint of an old barn. Those are our girls, and I am not sure there are any more beautiful in the world.

Patrick and I are a bit different, in that we grew up around these wildflowers, but somehow escaped the deer hunts and oversized pick-up trucks. We are artsy, and pot-stirrers by nature. We question nearly everything, and although I do own a lovely pair of cowboy boots, our selection of music is extensive and eclectic. We live in the awareness that we are, at times, a hard pill to swallow. We are in no way better; just eccentric.
So in our business we do not desire to pluck these wildflowers and shove them into vases. We simply want to show women something different about themselves. For some, it is sensuality; for others it is something pensive and deep. Still for other women it is strength, and classic bombshell beauty. For all, it is art. We would love to have more of you southern beauties in our studio.
Until next time...